
Highlighted Publications

  • Francis, S.; Boucher, A.; Jones, G.; Roldan, A. "Ostwald Ripening Microkinetic Simulation of Au Clusters on MgO(001)" Applied Surface Science (2022), 572, 151317.

  • Engel, J.; Schwartz, E.; Catlow, R.C.A.; Roldan, A."The Influence of Oxygen Vacancy Position and Ce3+ Ion Position on the Properties of Small Gold Clusters Supported on CeO2-x(111)" Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2020), 8, 31, 15695–15705. Emerging Investigators Issue; Front Cover

  • Lu, X.; Francis, S.; Motta, D.; Dimitratos, N.; Roldan, A. "Mechanistic Study of Hydrazine Decomposition on Ir(111). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2020), 22, 7, 3883–3896. Emerging Investigators Issue

  • Engel, J.; Francis, S.; Roldan, A.The Influence of Support Materials on the Structural and Electronic Properties of Gold Nanoparticles – a DFT Study". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2019), 21, 35, 19011–19025. PCCP Editor’s Choice

  • Roldan, A.; Hollingsworth, N.; Roffey, A.; Islam, H. U.; Goodall, J. B.; Catlow, C. R.; Darr, J. A.; Bras, W.; Sankar, G.; Holt, K. B.; Hogarth, G.; de Leeuw, N. H., "Bio-inspired CO2 conversion by iron sulfide catalysts under sustainable conditions". Chemical Communications (2015), 51, 7501.