Group Activities
Group Activities
Cardiff Chemistry Conference
The School of Chemistry organises a conference annually (around May) offering a great opportunity to expose your results (presentations and posters) and meet oustanding scientist from around the world.
Cardiff Catalysis Institute Conference
The group forms part of the Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI) letting us to participate in its organised events. The CCI conference is one of them where we expose posters and try to deliver talks (which is highly competitive!).
School Seminars
The School of Chemistry organises weekly seminars in a wide range of topics to which the group is strongly redommended to attend and participate. It is mandatory for PhD students and they will be asked for it in the annual review.
Computational Seminars
The School is home to several groups working on computational chemistry and we meet montly to expose various 10 min talks (many times accompained by tea and sweets). Please access this link with your Cardiff University account to see the speakers and venue.
Journal Club
The Journal Club is organise by the students for the students. It is a great opportunity to share your ideas with your peer regarding scientific topic of common interest. The club members are PhD students from this and Logsdail's group although visiting students can also participate.